
Recent RYSE Interviews & Independent Product Review

I’m happy to announce that I was recently interviewed by Benzinga – the well-known provider of financial news – and presented our investment proposition to their followers. You can watch a recording of the interview below:

Here is another interview with Benzinga from back in October where I provide some background on how we got started and address some key questions that investors often ask.

Additionally, our RYSE SmartShade was recently reviewed by Ausdroid, Australia’s award-winning independent media outlet covering all things mobile and personal technology. The reviewer brought up a great question I often receive from investors: why isn’t the RYSE SmartShade compatible with the Zigbee protocol often used for smart-home devices?

What many don’t know is that our previous generation device – the AXIS Gear – was ZigBee compatible, and we found the costly and time-consuming process of building ZigBee integrations to produce very modest returns for our company.

For now, we are opting with the seamless API integrations of Google Home, Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit, but have designed the SmartShade so that we can modify the firmware/module for ZigBee compatibility, should we deem it necessary.